City Spotlight: Philadelphia To change the overall look

This article is part of Earth Refuge’s Spotlight Series on Philadelphia. During the summer of 2021, cities across the United States (‘US’) have seen record breaking temperatures to an extent that scientists say would have been “virtually impossible” to reach without anthropogenic climate change.

All Aboard the Rocky Mountaineer

In this interview, correspondent Polly Nash talks to fire fighter Cami Schafer about one of the many frightening effects of climate change; the ever-growing threat of wildfires around the world. Last year California was hit by the Dixie Fire, the largest single forest fire in the state’s history.

Pure Luxe in Punta Mita the original contained

In this week’s interview, Ole ter Wey talks to climate activist Grace Fong about the importance of climate education. Drawing on her very personal experiences with the impacts of climate change in her home country of Fiji